Metalink Youlnk

All your social networks and instant messengers in one metalink

How does metalink work?

Create metalink

Create your own metalink in your personal account

Share in bio or description

Add to bio Instagram TikTok Youtube Or in the description of the site. Chats.

Everyone sees your metalink

Users see all your social networks and links written in metalinks

Who is the metalink for?

Show all your social networks, broadcast information about a post from one source to all your social networks

Advertise apps on social networks and leave download links

Tell about your product and attract users from social networks

Report new releases with a link to the streaming source and increase reach and listens

Application and possibilities of a metalink

- Create links to social networks (Instagram, Tik Tok, VKontakte, Telegram);
- Indicate contact details (phone, email);
- Post referral links and promotional codes (when clicking on such links, the link creator receives a reward);
- Report on releases and expected new products (music and video with a link to streaming and video hosting);
- Increase the coverage of posts (the ability to place posts from various social networks on one page);

Personal metalink

Experts will help you
in creating your metalink


promo code gives you up to 50% off

How to make money with YouLnk

- place promo codes for products
- use the YouLnk affiliate program

Make money on metalink

Earn by referring friends up to 40% of their payments

Pricing plans

Choose and get exactly what you need.


  • Metalink personalization
  • Choosing a metalink title
  • Referral links
  • No ads in metalink
  • Custom colors
  • Indepth Statistics
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Metalink display time and age limit
  • SEO settings
Choose plan


150 1500 0 RUB
  • Metalink personalization
  • Choosing a metalink title
  • Referral links
  • No ads in metalink
  • Custom colors
  • Indepth Statistics
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Metalink display time and age limit
  • SEO settings
Choose plan

Order the creation of metalinks

  • Available only on plan PRIME

How to create metalink

Step by step example of creating metalink

How create metalink